My Evil Aunt - A TV series coming soon

A work of fiction (or is it?). Filmed in the North and South of England, this series centers on one womans narcissistic behaviour within an already troubled family.

Decades of sibling rivalry, bickering, lies, alleged kiddie-fiddling, psychotic breakdowns, and that is just one evil aunt.

Add to the mix; a murderer, a bank robbery, secret marital affairs, Russian Mafia ties, and we have a family!

pic shows my evil aunt


MEA (My Evil Aunt) is a narcissist;  Born the youngest of five and given opportunities her siblings did not have. University-educated, she began a very short career in the south of England.  After marrying well, she sat on her arse for the rest of her working age, rarely returning to her roots.

My sister Julia lived close to MEA and socialised with her regularly. My mother (Wanda) was the only sibling MEA bothered with, and the two would often meet or talk on the phone.
MEA has an alcohol problem. One night MEA asked Wanda to visit her. However, Wanda, not fancying a drinking session, declined the offer. This was the point when MEA decided to fuck up a family.

Mea's Siblings


Wanda and Mea remained close from childhood. The two would have the odd ‘word’ but had never really fallen out. Wanda was also close to her siblings, George, Carol, and Jane.


Carol and MEA never seemed to get on much. Mea called her ‘the hypochondriac’ of the family. Mea’s husband bought her parent’s house at the government-discounted rate, which was very close to Carol’s house. When the parents died, the house was sold at a profit. However, Carol thought her parents would have wanted the house to go to their grandson, who still lived with Carol.

Once out of spite, Mea took her other sisters and their daughters on an exotic holiday, leaving Carol behind.

But there was also a sinister accusation that MEA had levelled at her nephew, Carol’s son.


Mea and Jane never got on, not for decades, and most of that time did not even talk to each other. Mea had a nickname for Jane, “Sister Jane” she would call her (not a sibling reference). Mea found Jane’s regular attendance at church amusing. MEA would say, “Jane is a hypocrite, a member of the ‘God Squad’, and she thinks she is above others when her own house is not without sin”.

Jane did not have much time for Carol and disliked George but was friendly most of her life with Wanda.


George is a decent man and brother who always protects his sisters. George was very protective of MEA when she was young. However, MEA never really bothered with George. George was quite friendly with Carol and Wanda, and they would often meet together. George was aware of how Jane thought of him and the feeling was mutual.

'Pissy Knickers'


MEA had a drink problem, she never knew when to stop. When I lived abroad in the 90’s, my mother, sister and MEA visited me, staying at my apartment. On the corner was my local bar and late night club. I was well known in the bar and club. MEA soon got into the wine and by the time we went to the club was very drunk but when we suggested we retire early, MEA got angry, she continued to drink until she just pissed herself, sat at the bar on a stool. People stared, MEA laughed, it was so embaressing.

A decade on, I visited the same nightclub and as I walked into the lounge bar, the Transvestite on stage was introducing the next act when she noticed me and said over the microphone “hello stranger, hope you have not brought ‘Pissy Knickers’ with you”. Vicky Mulldoon then proceeded to tell the audience of the night MEA visited.

Not a Time to Party

5 years ago, MEA’s husband became very ill. MEA would call my sister (Janice) and our mother (Wanda) constantly, sometimes drunk, angry at the world, rambling, nonsensical. Wanda travelled south and stayed with Janice to be closer to MEA and provide support. One night, MEA called the house and asked Wanda to come over. Knowing that drink would be involved, Wanda said she would visit but get picked up later to return to her daughters. Wanda did not think it was right to be drinking while MEA’s husband was dying in bed.

However, there was a problem; Wanda had not ended the call on her mobile and, whilst relating the call to her daughter, Wanda said that MEA was not happy about her being picked up and not staying over. Also, Wanda expressed not wanting to drink all night”. The shit hit the fan! MEA called the landline, screaming and swearing. Janice tried to explain that her mother was not being nasty but was uncomfortable drinking at the house whilst MEA’s husband was ill upstairs. MEA would not listen to reason and began to scream and swear “You are a fucking bitch!”. 

Time passed, and many phone calls and texts were exchanged. Wanda and Janice became a focal point for MEA’s rage. During one call, MEA threatened to go to her niece’s school (the young daughter of Janice) and create a scene. MEA also threatened to call social services and say that Janice’s children were at risk. 

Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog

The Evil One Recruits

MEA lays her husband to rest. Wanda and Janice are not invited to the funeral.

Step One: MEA warms up her cauldron.

Step Two: MEA makes closer ties with her siblings and their families. 

Step Three: MEA fabricates, lies, accuses and threatens.

Step Four: MEA drives wedges between her siblings and Wanda and Janice.

Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dog


Months later, Janice has her suspicians confirmed, MEA has been staking her. today at a 5-star hotel spa. MEA accosta Janice, pushing her, shouting and screaming. The hotel security intervened. The hotel manager told MEA to leave the premises and to never return. It was at this point that I got involved.

I had seen first-hand what MEA was prepared to do. A few years earlier, I had a work position at the same company as her (then) estranged husband. MEA would constantly telephone his secretary, demanding to speak with him, asking about who he was ‘fucking’. A couple of times MEA turned up at the offices and screamed in the foyer.

I decided to email MEA and warn her to leave my mother, my sister and her family alone. This would not go down well. It was to be the start of five years (so far) of evil plots, lies and deceit. 

Disclaimer Time

I am the son of Wanda, the sister of Janice and your storyteller. Everything written here is true. These things happened and are still happening. What the witches and their families and followers will say about me could include, but not be limited to, the following:

I Have worked for crime families and the Russian Mafia, and I have operated illegal gambling, live and online. They will say I tried to sell a work-provided car to the Russians.

This is not true:

I have worked with numerous Mafia and did not limit myself to Russians. I have great Chechin and Polish ‘business acquaintances’. I specialise in gambling online and live, both legal and grey (coughs). When I worked with MEA’s husband’s company, I had a work car, but it was a work-guaranteed lease agreement car, and it was in my name. I am bent as a nine-bob note but not stupid. I am not going to steal a car in my name. This was a story fabricated by MEA.